Saturday, March 06, 2010

Very much inspired


Oh well, i've broken my record of watching 3 movies in a week. I'm happy that Alice in the wonderland didn't disappoint me, coz i've been wanting to watch this movie ever since last winter. Window displays in London and Paris are very much inspired by the whimsical,quirky and fantasy tale... especially Printemps's Alice in the wonderland concept. The whole of the mall follow suit its theme and everything just blends in well, even Laduree. I love Laduree, the best macrons that i've ever eaten are from LADUREE! I feel like I'm dining in a Marie Antoinette's palace everytime when I visit them during my stay in Paris.

Judging from the frequency of me blogging, I've decided to abandon the idea of uploading all the photos up here. =[ I'm too slow and busy, but but..... feel free to browse the albums in my facebook account. Its another weekend! Weekend means work work and more work for me..

I need to have the 'Alice' spirit, with the six impossibles.
Pei Ting's seventh impossible: Nothing is too difficult to handle, if God is with me. =]

Dress by Haider Ackermann
Outfits by Martin Margiela

Dress by the late Alexander McQueen
Dress by Chloe
The giant bookshelf in Printemps. View taken from level 3, theres two Laduree in the mall itself.
One at level 4 (if im not mistaken) and the another is just beside the bookshelf, an open concept high tea area.

With love,
Pei Ting.T

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