Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Definition of life

'I am a sailor


my life is a voyage


I've got a divine navigator.

I would think that I'm a lost dumbo sailor now, life's not good to me currently and I'm stuck in the middle of the ocean with mist all around me. I could also picture myself as a doubtful and worried sick sailor on the boat trying to map out the right direction to that perfect destination. Despite the tapping and knocking, hoping that the divine navigator will provide me an instant answer to the right direction...I stopped and pondered, and so I knew something was missing.. terribly missing.
Though the voyage seems to be a challenging journey, I'm elated to know that particular divine navigator could eventually bring me home, to the perfect destination safely one fine day. -It is definitely much more effective, trust-able than any modern GPS could offer. I'm getting a little emotional nowadays and I just could'nt help it. The thought of it is just so nerve wrecking and irritating. Now, tell me what would you do in facing difficult trials?

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